React Native

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Which features are available in this library?
  • Event capture
  • Autocapture
  • User identification
  • Session recording
  • Feature flags
  • Group analytics


Our React Native enables you to integrate PostHog with your React Native project. For React Native projects built with Expo, there are no mobile native dependencies outside of supported Expo packages.

To install, add the posthog-react-native package to your project as well as the required peer dependencies.

Expo apps

npx expo install posthog-react-native expo-file-system expo-application expo-device expo-localization

React Native apps

yarn add posthog-react-native @react-native-async-storage/async-storage react-native-device-info
# or
npm i -s posthog-react-native @react-native-async-storage/async-storage react-native-device-info

React Native Web and macOS

If you're using React Native Web or React Native macOS, do not use the expo-file-system package since the Web and macOS targets aren't supported, use the @react-native-async-storage/async-storage package instead.


With the PosthogProvider

The recommended way to set up PostHog for React Native is to use the PostHogProvider. This utilizes the Context API to pass the PostHog client around, enable autocapture, and ensure that the queue is flushed at the right time.

To set up PostHogProvider, add it to your App.js or App.ts file:

// App.(js|ts)
import { usePostHog, PostHogProvider } from 'posthog-react-native'
export function MyApp() {
return (
<PostHogProvider apiKey="<ph_project_api_key>" options={{
// usually '' or ''
host: '',
<MyComponent />

Then you can access PostHog using the usePostHog() hook:

React Native
const MyComponent = () => {
const posthog = usePostHog()
useEffect(() => {
}, [posthog])

Without the PosthogProvider

If you prefer not to use the provider, you can initialize PostHog in its own file and import the instance from there:

import PostHog from 'posthog-react-native'
export const posthog = new PostHog('<ph_project_api_key>', {
// usually '' or ''
host: ''

Then you can access PostHog by importing your instance:

React Native
import { posthog } from './posthog'
export function MyApp1() {
useEffect(async () => {
}, [posthog])
return <View>Your app code</View>

You can even use this instance with the PostHogProvider:

React Native
import { posthog } from './posthog'
export function MyApp() {
return <PostHogProvider client={posthog}>{/* Your app code */}</PostHogProvider>

Configuration options

You can further customize how PostHog works through its configuration on initialization.


Type: String
PostHog API host (usually by default or Host is optional if you use

Type: Number
Default: 20
The number of events to queue before sending to PostHog (flushing).

Type: Number
Default: 10000
The interval in milliseconds between periodic flushes.

Type: Number
Default: 100
The maximum number of queued messages to be flushed as part of a single batch (must be higher than flushAt).

Type: Number
Default: 1000
The maximum number of cached messages either in memory or on the local storage (must be higher than flushAt).

Type: Boolean
Default: false
If set to true, the SDK is essentially disabled (useful for local environments where you don't want to track anything).

Type: Boolean
Default: true
If set to false, the SDK will not track until the optIn() function is called.

Type: Boolean
Default: true
Whether to track that getFeatureFlag was called (used by experiments).

Type: Boolean
Default: true
Whether to load feature flags when initialized or not.

Type: Object
Default: {}
An object containing the distinctId, isIdentifiedId, featureFlags, and featureFlagPayloads keys. distinctId is a string, and featureFlags and featureFlagPayloads are objects of key-value pairs. Used to ensure data is available as soon as the SDK loads.

Type: Number
Default: 3
How many times HTTP requests will be retried.

Type: Number
Default: 3000
The delay between HTTP request retries.

Type: Number
Default: 10000
Timeout in milliseconds for any calls.

Type: Number
Default: 10000
Timeout in milliseconds for feature flag calls.

Type: Number
Default: 1800
For session analysis, how long before a session expires (defaults to 30 minutes).

Type: String
Default: form
Whether to post events to PostHog in JSON or compressed format.

Type: String
Default: file
Allows you to provide the storage type. file will try to load the best available storage, the provided customStorage, customAsyncStorage, or in-memory storage.

Type: Object or Function
Default: null
Allows you to provide your own implementation of the common information about your App or a function to modify the default App properties generated.

Type: Object
Default: null
Allows you to provide a custom asynchronous storage such as async-storage, expo-file-system, or a synchronous storage such as mmkv. If not provided, PostHog will attempt to use the best available storage via optional peer dependencies. If persistence is set to memory, this option is ignored.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Captures native app lifecycle events such as Application Installed, Application Updated, Application Opened, Application Became Active, and Application Backgrounded. By default, this is false. If you're already using the captureLifecycleEvents options with initReactNativeNavigation or PostHogProvider' you should keep this as false, otherwise you may see duplicated events.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
When true, disables automatic GeoIP resolution for events and feature flags.

Capturing events

You can send custom events using capture:

React Native

Tip: We recommend using a [object] [verb] format for your event names, where [object] is the entity that the behavior relates to, and [verb] is the behavior itself. For example, project created, user signed up, or invite sent.

Setting event properties

Optionally, you can also include additional information in the event by setting the properties value:

React Native
posthog.capture('user_signed_up', {
login_type: "email",
is_free_trial: true

Capturing screen views

With @react-navigation/native and autocapture:

When using @react-navigation/native, screen tracking is automatically captured if the autocapture property is used in the PostHogProvider:

It is important that the PostHogProvider is configured as a child of the NavigationContainer:

React Native
// App.(js|ts)
import { PostHogProvider } from 'posthog-react-native'
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'
export function App() {
return (
<PostHogProvider apiKey="<ph_project_api_key>" autocapture>
{/* Rest of app */}

With react-native-navigation and autocapture:

First, simplify the wrapping of your screens with a shared PostHogProvider:

React Native
import PostHog, { PostHogProvider } from 'posthog-react-native'
import { Navigation } from 'react-native-navigation';
export const posthog = new PostHog('<ph_project_api_key>');
export const SharedPostHogProvider = (props: any) => {
return (
<PostHogProvider client={posthog} autocapture={{
captureLifecycleEvents: false, // Lifecycle events are handled differently for react-native-navigation
captureTouches: true,

Then, every screen needs to be wrapped with this provider if you want to capture touches or use the usePostHog() hook

React Native
export const MyScreen = () => {
return (
Navigation.registerComponent('Screen', () => MyScreen); () => {
navigation: {
// (Optional) Set the name based on the route. Defaults to the route name.
routeToName: (name, properties) => name,
// (Optional) Tracks all passProps as properties. Defaults to undefined
routeToProperties: (name, properties) => properties,

Manually capturing screen capture events

If you prefer not to use autocapture, you can manually capture screen views by calling posthog.screen(). This function requires a name. You may also pass in an optional properties object.

posthog.screen('dashboard', {
background: 'blue',
hero: 'superhog',


PostHog autocapture can automatically track the following events for you:

  • Application Opened - when the app is opened from a closed state
  • Application Became Active - when the app comes to the foreground (e.g. from the app switcher)
  • Application Backgrounded - when the app is sent to the background by the user
  • Application Installed - when the app is installed.
  • Application Updated - when the app is updated.
  • $screen - when the user navigates (if using @react-navigation/native or react-native-navigation)
  • $autocapture - touch events when the user interacts with the screen

With autocapture, all touch events for children of PosthogProvider are tracked, capturing a snapshot of the view hierarchy at that point. This enables you to create insights in PostHog without having to add custom events.

PostHog will try to generate a sensible name for the touched element based on the React component displayName or name. If you prefer, you can set your own name using the ph-label prop:

React Native
<View ph-label="my-special-label"></View>

Autocapture configuration

You can tweak how autocapture works by passing custom options.

React Native
<PostHogProvider apiKey="<ph_project_api_key>" autocapture={{
captureTouches: true,
captureLifecycleEvents: true,
captureScreens: true,
ignoreLabels: [], // Any labels here will be ignored from the stack in touch events
customLabelProp: "ph-label",
noCaptureProp: "ph-no-capture",
propsToCapture = ["testID"], // Limit which props are captured. By default, identifiers and text content are captured.
navigation: {
// By default, only the screen name is tracked but it is possible to track the
// params or modify the name by intercepting the autocapture like so
routeToName: (name, params) => {
if ( return `${name}/${}`
return name
routeToParams: (name, params) => {
if (name === "SensitiveScreen") return undefined
return params

Preventing sensitive data capture

If there are elements you don't want to be captured, you can add the ph-no-capture property. If this property is found anywhere in the view hierarchy, the entire touch event is ignored:

React Native
<View ph-no-capture>Sensitive view here</View>

Identifying users

We highly recommend reading our section on Identifying users to better understand how to correctly use this method.

Using identify, you can associate events with specific users. This enables you to gain full insights as to how they're using your product across different sessions, devices, and platforms.

An identify call has the following arguments:

React Native
{ // userProperties:
email: '',
name: 'My Name'
{ // userPropertiesSetOnce:
date_of_first_log_in: '2024-03-01'

You should call identify as soon as you're able to. Typically, this is every time your app loads for the first time as well as directly after your user logs in. This ensures that events sent during your user's sessions are correctly associated with them.

When you call identify, all previously tracked anonymous events will be linked to the user.


Sometimes, you want to assign multiple distinct IDs to a single user. This is helpful when your primary distinct ID is inaccessible. For example, if a distinct ID used on the frontend is not available in your backend.

In this case, you can use alias to assign another distinct ID to the same user.

React Native
// Sets alias for current user

We strongly recommend reading our docs on alias to best understand how to correctly use this method.

Setting person properties

Person properties enable you to capture, manage, and analyze specific data about a user. You can use them to create filters or cohorts, which can then be used in insights, feature flags, and more.

To set a user's properties, include the $set or $set_once property when capturing any event:


posthog.capture('some_event', { $set: { userProperty: 'value' } })


$set_once works just like $set, except it only sets the property if the user doesn't already have that property set.

posthog.capture('some_event', { $set_once: { userProperty: 'value' } })

Super properties

Super properties are properties associated with events that are set once and then sent with every capture call, be it a $screen, an autocaptured touch, or anything else.

They are set using posthog.register, which takes a properties object as a parameter, and they persist across sessions.

For example:

'icecream pref': 'vanilla',
team_id: 22,

The call above ensures that every event sent by the user will include "icecream pref": "vanilla" and "team_id": 22. This way, if you filtered events by property using icecream_pref = vanilla, it would display all events captured on that user after the posthog.register call, since they all include the specified Super Property.

This does not set the user's properties. This only sets the properties for their events. To store person properties, see the setting person properties section.

Removing stored super properties

Super Properties are persisted across sessions so you have to explicitly remove them if they are no longer relevant. In order to stop sending a Super Property with events, you can use posthog.unregister, like so:

posthog.unregister('icecream pref'),

This will remove the super property and subsequent events will not include it.

If you are doing this as part of a user logging out you can instead simply posthog.reset() which takes care of clearing all stored Super Properties and more.


You can set the number of events in the configuration that should queue before flushing. Setting this to 1 will send events immediately and will use more battery. This is set to 20 by default.

You can also configure the flush interval. By default we flush all events after 30 seconds, no matter how many events have gathered.

You can also manually flush the queue. If a flush is already in progress it returns a promise for the existing flush.

await posthog.flush()

Reset after logout

To reset the user's ID and anonymous ID, call reset. Usually you would do this right after the user logs out.


Opt in/out

By default, PostHog has tracking enabled unless it is forcefully disabled by default using the option { defaultOptIn: false }.

You can give your users the option to opt in or out by calling the relevant methods. Once these have been called they are persisted and will be respected until optIn/Out is called again or the reset function is called.

To opt in/out of tracking, use the following calls.

posthog.optedOut() // See if a user has opted out
posthog.optIn() // opt in
posthog.optOut() // opt out

If you still wish capture these events but want to create a distinction between users and team in PostHog, you should look into Cohorts.

Feature Flags

PostHog's feature flags enable you to safely deploy and roll back new features.

There are two ways to implement feature flags in React Native:

  1. Using hooks.
  2. Loading the flag directly.

Method 1: Using hooks

Example 1: Boolean feature flags

React Native
import { useFeatureFlag } from 'posthog-react-native'
const MyComponent = () => {
const booleanFlag = useFeatureFlag('key-for-your-boolean-flag')
if (showFlaggedFeature === undefined) {
// the response is undefined if the flags are being loaded
return null
// Optional use the 'useFeatureFlagWithPayload' hook for fetching the feature flag payload
return showFlaggedFeature ? <Text>Testing feature 😄</Text> : <Text>Not Testing feature 😢</Text>

Example 2: Multivariate feature flags

React Native
import { useFeatureFlag } from 'posthog-react-native'
const MyComponent = () => {
const multiVariantFeature = useFeatureFlag('key-for-your-multivariate-flag')
if (multiVariantFeature === undefined) {
// the response is undefined if the flags are being loaded
return null
} else if (multiVariantFeature === 'variant-name') { // replace 'variant-name' with the name of your variant
// Do something
// Optional use the 'useFeatureFlagWithPayload' hook for fetching the feature flag payload
return <div/>

Method 2: Loading the flag directly

React Native
// Defaults to undefined if not loaded yet or if there was a problem loading
// Defaults to undefined if not loaded yet or if there was a problem loading
// Multivariant feature flags are returned as a string
// Optional fetch the payload returns 'JsonType' or undefined if not loaded yet or if there was a problem loading

Reloading flags

PostHog loads feature flags when instantiated and refreshes whenever methods are called that affect the flag.

If want to manually trigger a refresh, you can call reloadFeatureFlagsAsync():

React Native
posthog.reloadFeatureFlagsAsync().then((refreshedFlags) => console.log(refreshedFlags))

Or when you want to trigger the reload, but don't care about the result:

React Native

Request timeout

You can configure the featureFlagsRequestTimeoutMs parameter when initializing your PostHog client to set a flag request timeout. This helps prevent your code from being blocked in the case when PostHog's servers are too slow to respond. By default, this is set at 10 seconds.

React Native
export const posthog = new PostHog('<ph_project_api_key>', {
// usually '' or ''
host: '',
featureFlagsRequestTimeoutMs: 10000 // Time in milliseconds. Default is 10000 (10 seconds).

Error handling

When using the PostHog SDK, it's important to handle potential errors that may occur during feature flag operations. Here's an example of how to wrap PostHog SDK methods in an error handler:

React Native
function handleFeatureFlag(client, flagKey, distinctId) {
try {
const isEnabled = client.isFeatureEnabled(flagKey, distinctId);
console.log(`Feature flag '${flagKey}' for user '${distinctId}' is ${isEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}`);
return isEnabled;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching feature flag '${flagKey}': ${error.message}`);
// Optionally, you can return a default value or throw the error
// return false; // Default to disabled
throw error;
// Usage example
try {
const flagEnabled = handleFeatureFlag(client, 'new-feature', 'user-123');
if (flagEnabled) {
// Implement new feature logic
} else {
// Implement old feature logic
} catch (error) {
// Handle the error at a higher level
console.error('Feature flag check failed, using default behavior');
// Implement fallback logic

Overriding server properties

Sometimes, you might want to evaluate feature flags using properties that haven't been ingested yet, or were set incorrectly earlier. You can do so by setting properties the flag depends on with these calls:

React Native
posthog.setPersonPropertiesForFlags({'property1': 'value', property2: 'value2'})

Note that these are set for the entire session. Successive calls are additive: all properties you set are combined together and sent for flag evaluation.

Whenever you set these properties, we also trigger a reload of feature flags to ensure we have the latest values. You can disable this by passing in the optional parameter for reloading:

React Native
posthog.setPersonPropertiesForFlags({'property1': 'value', property2: 'value2'}, false)

At any point, you can reset these properties by calling resetPersonPropertiesForFlags:

React Native

The same holds for group properties:

React Native
// set properties for a group
posthog.setGroupPropertiesForFlags({'company': {'property1': 'value', property2: 'value2'}})
// reset properties for a given group:
// reset properties for all groups:

Note: You don't need to add the group names here, since these properties are automatically attached to the current group (set via When you change the group, these properties are reset.

Automatic overrides

Whenever you call posthog.identify with person properties, we automatically add these properties to flag evaluation calls to help determine the correct flag values. The same is true for when you call

Default overridden properties

By default, we always override some properties based on the user IP address.

The list of properties that this overrides:

  1. $geoip_city_name
  2. $geoip_country_name
  3. $geoip_country_code
  4. $geoip_continent_name
  5. $geoip_continent_code
  6. $geoip_postal_code
  7. $geoip_time_zone

This enables any geolocation-based flags to work without manually setting these properties.

Bootstrapping Flags

Since there is a delay between initializing PostHog and fetching feature flags, feature flags are not always available immediately. This makes them unusable if you want to do something like redirecting a user to a different page based on a feature flag.

To have your feature flags available immediately, you can initialize PostHog with precomputed values until it has had a chance to fetch them. This is called bootstrapping.

For details on how to implement bootstrapping, see our bootstrapping guide.

Experiments (A/B tests)

Since experiments use feature flags, the code for running an experiment is very similar to the feature flags code:

React Native
// With the useFeatureFlag hook
import { useFeatureFlag } from 'posthog-react-native'
const MyComponent = () => {
const variant = useFeatureFlag('experiment-feature-flag-key')
if (variant === undefined) {
// the response is undefined if the flags are being loaded
return null
if (variant == 'variant-name') {
// do something

It's also possible to run experiments without using feature flags.

Group analytics

Group analytics allows you to associate the events for that person's session with a group (e.g. teams, organizations, etc.). Read the Group Analytics guide for more information.

Note: This is a paid feature and is not available on the open-source or free cloud plan. Learn more here.

  • Associate the events for this session with a group
JavaScript'company', 'company_id_in_your_db')
posthog.capture('upgraded_plan') // this event is associated with company ID `company_id_in_your_db`
  • Associate the events for this session with a group AND update the properties of that group
JavaScript'company', 'company_id_in_your_db', {
name: 'Awesome Inc.',
employees: 11,

The name is a special property which is used in the PostHog UI for the name of the Group. If you don't specify a name property, the group ID will be used instead.

Session replay

To set up session replay in your project, all you need to do is install the React Native SDK and the Session replay plugin, enable "Record user sessions" in your project settings and enable the enableSessionReplay option.

Disabling for local development

You may want to disable PostHog when working locally or in a test environment. You can do this by setting the disable option to true when initializing PostHog. Helpfully this allows you to continue using usePostHog and safely calling it without anything actually happening.

React Native
// App.(js|ts)
import { usePostHog, PostHogProvider } from 'posthog-react-native'
export function MyApp() {
return (
<PostHogProvider apiKey="<ph_project_api_key>" options={{
// Disable PostHog in development (or whatever other logic you choose)
disabled: __DEV__,
<MyComponent />
const MyComponent = () => {
const posthog = usePostHog()
useEffect(() => {
// Safe to call even when disabled!
posthog.capture("mycomponent_loaded", { foo: "bar" })
}, [])

Upgrading from V1 or V2 to V3

V1 of this library utilised the underlying posthog-ios and posthog-android SDKs to do most of the work. Since the new version is written entirely in JS, using only Expo supported libraries, there are some changes to the way PostHog is configured as well as actually calling PostHog.

For iOS, the new React Native SDK will attempt to migrate the previously persisted data (such as distinctId and anonymousId) which should result in no unexpected changes to tracked data.

For Android, it is unfortunately not possible for persisted Android data to be loaded which means stored information such as the randomly generated anonymousId or the distinctId set by posthog.identify will not be present. For identified users, the simple workaround is to ensure that identify is called at least once when the app loads. For anonymous users there is unfortunately no straightforward workaround they will show up as new anonymous users in PostHog.

Events such as Application Installed and Application Updated that require previously persisted data were unable to be migrated, the side effect being that you may see much higher numbers for Application Installed events. This is due to the fact that there is no native way of detecting a real "install" and as such, we store a marker the first time the SDK loads and treat that as an install.

import PostHog from 'posthog-react-native'
await PostHog.setup('<ph_project_api_key>', {
// usually '' or ''
host: '',
captureApplicationLifecycleEvents: false, // Replaced by 'PostHogProvider'
captureDeepLinks: false, // No longer supported
recordScreenViews: false, // Replaced by 'PostHogProvider' supporting @react-navigation/native
flushInterval: 30, // Stays the same
flushAt: 20, // Stays the same
android: {...}, // No longer needed
iOS: {...}, // No longer needed
// V2 Setup difference
import PostHog from 'posthog-react-native'
const posthog = await Posthog.initAsync('<ph_project_api_key>', {
// usually '' or ''
host: '<ph_client_api_host>',
// Add any other options here.
// Use created instance rather than the PostHog class
// V3 Setup difference
import PostHog from 'posthog-react-native'
const posthog = new PostHog('<ph_project_api_key>', {
// usually '' or ''
host: '<ph_client_api_host>',
// Add any other options here.
// Use created instance rather than the PostHog class


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The posthog-ruby library provides tracking functionality on the server-side for applications built in Ruby. It uses an internal queue to make calls fast and non-blocking. It also batches requests and flushes asynchronously, making it perfect to use in any part of your web app or other server-side application that needs performance. Installation Debug logging The log level by default is set to WARN. You can change it to DEBUG if you want to debug the client by running posthog.logger.level…

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